I've always had issues with talking about politics. It has been, in my experience, the biggest "hot button" topic, even when compared to religion, abortion, and spanking children. To avoid confrontation, I usually keep my opinions to myself, taking care to not invite political discourse. I realise that this is not a good way of sounding out your own beliefs, testing your own opinions for validity and so forth, but I also recognize that with all things, politics has its zealots and, quite frankly, I just don't have the energy to hold my own against that level of commitment.
Does anyone have advice on how to deflect those who speak out while I'm "on duty" at work, obviously seeking my approval of their opinions and beliefs?
I do not want to discuss politics while I'm being paid to represent a business, as my position may not reflect that of my company's leadership. Even if it did, it's not my place to say--that's not what they pay me to do. However, when a customer pipes up about [insert politician or pundit here], voicing their stand to one and all, what can I politely say to inform them that I am uninterested in but respectful of their opinion?
All I've got now is "I'm sorry; I don't discuss politics at work." It seems rude, and the average reaction to that statement suggests that it is, in fact, rude--at least to older men.
I could go the "girl" route: giggle a bit, and suggest that I have no idea because my husband tells me who to vote for. (Yes, this still happens, even in my generation.) I feel that I can't, because it would be an outright lie.
I welcome suggestions from every political corner including the apathetic, as always. I'm "equal opportunity," if nothing else.
What a wonderful smell you've discovered!
Posted by
Soo Mi
3/10/2012 10:16:00 AM
Godzilla versus Bridezilla
I found myself caught up in an episode of "Comic Book Men" the other day. It was interesting, watching true fans get all orgasmy over the stuff they love.
It was also rather sad, in a way.
A young couple came in with this rather rare collectible. Careful questions revealed an upcoming wedding, and a desire for them to pay for the dog-and-pony show themselves. The big value reveal showed the bride's true colours.
The collectible was his, and it was apparent that she had researched its value online (a bad idea for anyone with a collectible since the internet lies) and had decided that this little gem would buy her a wedding dress.
Another guy was there to shell out big bucks to buy a rather revolting but limited-run action figure set. He had sold off his original set because his girlfriend said they were sick, and yet he thought they were cool.
No one, under any circumstances, should put up with that.
There are over 7 billion people on this planet. Keep the stuff that makes you happy and find love with someone who appreciates you for who you are and not who they want you to be.
/steps off soapbox
Posted by
Soo Mi
3/05/2012 10:51:00 PM