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  • The Life Psychotic with Soo

    As you all know, I is a po' college stoodent. I am currently frying my brain on linear programming in Algebra being taught by the only high school math teacher I've ever known a pretty girl to go all mushy over. I am also enjoying a particularly challenging 200-level psychology class with a professor who prefers to brew his own beer and brag about it on his website.

    It's the psychology class I would like to share with you all today. Recently, I had to take a series of personality quizzes, and was mostly not surprised to see the results. Some of the tests were terribly funny in scope, such as the Star Wars twins test or the procrastinator's test which was abridged to just 5 minutes. There were tests to determine if therapy was in your future or if you were the office suck-up. I enjoyed looking over the tests, and think you might as well.

    Keep in mind, some of these sites you may have to register to use, but all offer some free tests and results. Some of those results are partials, requiring a payment for the complete readout. I don't recommend paying anyone for the full results, unless you're just that interested.

    Feel free to clicky from the side bar. Enjoy, and don't forget to check back with me--I'm looking for another Grand Moff Tarkin so we can go blow up planets together!


    Beav said...

    My Star Wars Twins
    My Freak results
    My do-re-mi's

    Soo Mi said...

    Dude! The Star Wars results, I kinda expected, knowing you the way I do. But guess what? I'm apparently not much of a freak.

    I scored an overall 39% freakiness, with my highest subresult being 59% willing to dissent. I guess I don't need to be unique, and conforming is my happy place.

    Also, my musical thing showed that despite my love of the oldies and classical, I'm a closet metal-head and prefer "edgy" music. That surprised me. I'm also only 25% kiss-ass, and a 45% 'team player.'

    Soo Mi said...

    Oh yeah, and I haven't gotten around to doing that 5-minute procrastinator's quiz.

    I'll get to it, someday, I think...

    Beav said...

    Yeah, procrastinator quiz. It's a trick to get you to do something.

    BTW, after reading your Tarkin thing, it doesn't look like it has anything to do with good/evil. Just that you get things done, but sometimes miss details.

    Soo Mi said...

    Funny you should mention that....